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Changing lives through dental care

Dentaid The Dental Charity provides dental care and oral health advice for people experiencing homelessness, abuse, poverty and harm.

Did you know we also provide charitable dental services overseas?


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Who we help

We run outreach dental clinics for people experiencing homelessness, survivors of abuse, families in poverty, refugees, cancer patients, people recovering from addiction and communities where people are struggling to access dental care.

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How we help

Dentaid The Dental Charity has eight mobile dental units and a static dental trailer. Our vehicles travel the country visiting soup kitchens, hostels and community centres with volunteer dental professionals providing dental treatment and oral health advice.

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Our impact

"I got diagnosed with cancer and since then I lost all my confidence because most of my teeth fell out due to the treatment that I was having. Thanks to Dentaid I am finally able to smile and feel confident in myself."- Alison, Head and neck cancer patient.

Did you know we have an oral health programme for children?

Support our charity


We couldn’t run our clinics without our incredible team of volunteer dental professionals. We have volunteering opportunities for dentists, dental nurses and non-dental assistants across the UK.


Help us to change lives through dental care by fundraising for Dentaid The Dental Charity. Join one of our fantastic experiences or we’ll give you our full support if you organise an event to support us.