BrightBites Oral Health Education

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BrightBites Oral Health Education

About BrightBites

BrightBites is a fun and engaging oral health education programme for school-aged children that can be delivered both in the UK and overseas.

Volunteers visit schools, nurseries, after-school clubs, community groups and childcare organisations with a particular focus on communities where children are at risk of social exclusion. They deliver a lively, interactive presentation that covers toothbrushing, teeth names and functions, sugar awareness and the importance of regular dental appointments.

Our BrightBites programme is generously supported by Denplan, at a time when tooth decay remains the most common reason for hospital admissions in children aged 6-10.

BrightBites SH DA logo
BrightBites for Schools


The BrightBites package comes with a range of resources including toothbrushing charts, stickers, recipes and healthy teeth leaflets.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters we are also able to supply toothbrushes and toothpaste for all the children.


Register for BrightBites

If you think your school, nursery or childcare setting could benefit from BrightBites please register your interest.

BrightBites volunteering

Volunteer with BrightBites to help provide fun and interactive oral health education to school-age children.

BrightBites volunteer stories

Hear from our volunteers as they share their experiences delivering BrightBites

Helpful resources

BrightBites for Schools (1)

Our engaging and interactive resources are designed to make learning about oral health fun for children.

The BrightBites package includes a variety of materials, such as lesson plans for teachers, stickers, recipes, healthy teeth leaflets for children, and additional advice for parents.

School’s feedback

“A member of the Dentaid team came into our school to talk to our children about good oral hygiene. He met them class by class and was very calm, informative and patient. The children were able to ask him questions and none of them phased him.

Our Reception/Year 1 teacher has been trying to find someone to do this kind of thing for such a long time, so when Dentaid approached us we jumped at the chance. I would also like to say a huge thank you to your charity; your support enabled all of our children to have their very own toothbrush and toothpaste, something that some of them have never had. They were all shown how to effectively clean their teeth and know the importance of doing this.”


Response from a nursery practitioner

"The children were absolutely thrilled to see you and listened to all your wise words! They will have taken a lot of what you said onboard, especially the older ones. As you know, there is a huge drive towards maintaining our oral health which was witnessed by how keen the parents were to ensure that their children were well versed in how they maintain it at home."

Feedback from a BrightBites volunteer

"LOVED IT! The children were so good. I was shocked at how many little faces I had looking back at me. I had them really interacting at one point, it was like being at the pantomime! The school was very grateful."

Thank you message from a school

"Thank you so much for coming today. The children had such a brilliant time and were all excited to tell me what they had learnt. They were even more excited to take home their goodies."

Comments from a teacher

"Families are struggling to access dental care, so children's teeth aren't checked regularly. Lots of the children have decaying teeth and I'm not sure if they make a link between what they eat/drink and its impact on their teeth. The session was excellent and the children were really engaged. Thank you!"